makam, n.1
(maka:mı), Arapça maḳām
- Position, authority
- Warble
- A melodic modal structure specific to Turkish and (some) Anatolian musics.
core, n.1
Forms: ME– core; also ME coore, ME–16 coare, (16 chore, choare, kore, quore), 16–17 coar, 21 qore.
- The dry horny capsule imbedded in the centre of the pulp and containing the seeds or pips of the apple, pear, quince, etc.
- A disease of sheep, or a tumour characteristic of the disease. Also a disease in pigeons.
makamqore is an occasional series of live/streaming performances for the New York Modular Society (nyms.love, nyms@twitch) and regular series of recordings investigating chaos via the further reaches of the makam system.